Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Don't they ever go away?

SOUTH FULTON, Tenn. -- Firefighters in this northwest Tennessee city let a mobile home burn to the ground because the owner didn't pay an annual $75 fire protection fee, authorities say.
Jeff Vowell, city manager of South Fulton, said that the city fire department let Gene Cranick's trailer home near the Kentucky border burn last week because he didn't pay the subscription common in many rural areas.

Cranick's doublewide home is outside city limits. But South Fulton offers fire protection to nearby residents for a fee and once the fire threatened to spread, the department did protect a neighboring house that had paid.

Cranick's son, Timothy, was so angry he later went to the fire house and punched the chief, police said. The younger Cranick was charged with aggravated assault and is free on bond, according to authorities.

South Fulton Mayor David Crocker said that if the city allowed people to pay after the fact there would be no incentive to subscribe. As an analogy, he said an insurer won't pay for an auto accident if insurance lapses.


My wife pointed this story out to me last night on Yahoo. I can remember back in the early 80's - when I first became part of the fire service - reading numerous articles about situations like this . . . but, like an annoying in-law, I guess they never really go away. Although I have to admit something new has been added in this situation with the Mayor publicly commenting on the situation. Usually the elected officials try to steer clear of the furor that the actions of a subscription fire department cause. It will be interesting to follow this story and see what develops.

Until next time . . .

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