Saturday, November 19, 2011

Apparent arsonist has residents of a northwest Atlanta neighborhood worried.

Firefighters take a breath after controlling a fire started by an alledged arsonist.

Don't misunderstand the spirit of this blog, I understand this community's concern - and fear - but there are something they can do that will stop this alledged arsonist in his/her tracks. Here are some suggestions from the Arson Alarm Foundation (AAF):

Be vigilant of empty and/or abandoned property

If a house or commercial building is vacant, make sure that it is kept secure and that doors and windows are locked. While this might not completely stop a would-be arsonist, it would slow him/her down long enough for neighbors to notice and call the police. The AAF also reminds property owners not to use double-cylinder deadbolt locks without keeping a key readily available in the event of a fire or other emergency.

Use caution in storing flammable liquids in outside storage buildings

Store flammable liquids in approved storage locations. In addition to denying a would-be arsonist to substances which could be used to start a fire, it also serves to keep children safe. Also remember to keep these types of substances away from open flame - such as a furnace or water heater pilot light - or heating devices.

Be aware of suspicious activity or people

Report suspicious activity near homes or other buildings to the police.

Keep combustibles away from the exterior of your home (and other structures too)

Keep combusitbles such as leaves, brush, or woodpiles away from the exterior of your home and/or business. Without fuel a fire can't start.

Until next time . . .

Georgia Arson Control hotline


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